Everyone deserves a place to call home.

Our Mission
To develop and implement collaborative, local solutions that foster hope, opportunity, and stability for people experiencing homelessness.
At 7hills, people are at the center of all we do. We recognize that each person’s situation is unique and work to support every person on their path toward stability. We provide a wide range of basic needs and housing services and collaborate with partner organizations to ensure a holistic approach to decreasing homelessness in our community.
Core Values
Because we recognize the value and potential of all people.
Because people are putting their trust in us.
Because the needs of our community are complex and dynamic.
Because working together produces the greatest impact.
About 7hills
On any given night in Northwest Arkansas, there are approximately 900 individuals experiencing homelessness. Homelessness can range from couch surfing to staying in a temporary place like an emergency shelter or pay-per-week hotel to camping or staying somewhere else not meant for human habitation.
For the past 20 years, 7hills has been committed to serving people experiencing homelessness across NWA. We work alongside them to support their short- and long-term needs as they work toward stability. The services we provide are critical in helping our neighbors in need and are a large part of our community’s efforts to end homelessness.
Our Day Center and HOPE rehousing program work together to provide the best possible services to people in need. We believe that relationships are a massive part of our success, and each of our team members is committed to our mission.
Every month, we conduct an average of 351 case management sessions with individuals. Sessions include working toward employment, improving physical and mental health, obtaining benefits, creating and maintaining budgets, and setting individualized goals.
We operate our programs using best-practice standards highlighted and developed by the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and our local Northwest Arkansas Continuum of Care.
7hills Day Center
The 7hills Day Center focuses on meeting the daily basic needs of individuals experiencing homelessness – serving an average of 370 people every month across Northwest Arkansas.
People have access to:
Meals and food bags | Clothing and shoes |
Showers and hygiene items | An address for mail |
Haircuts | Storage |
Laundry | Identification assistance |
Transportation assistance | Prescriptions |
7hills HOPE Program
The 7hills HOPE program covers the full spectrum of housing needs by providing:
- Rapid rehousing
- Transitional housing
- Permanent supportive housing
Utilizing outreach, intensive case management, and financial assistance, HOPE helps households exit homelessness quickly, increase self-sufficiency, and prevent participants from returning to homelessness.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do people become homeless?
People become homeless due to a wide variety of circumstances. Changes in life circumstances and life crises are the most common reason. For example, homelessness can come from the loss of employment, divorce, mental and physical health issues, accidents, and more. Regardless of the reasons why people become homeless, 7hills is here to support them, provide basic needs services, and help them find housing during this difficult period in their lives.
Is 7hills a shelter where people go to sleep overnight?
No, 7hills is not an overnight emergency shelter. We provide daytime services at our Day Center Monday through Friday between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm. Individuals and families in crisis can have their daily basic needs met and develop a plan to regain self-sufficiency. Our Day Center is located at 1832 S. School Ave., Fayetteville, AR. 7hills also has a HOPE housing program that provides rehousing services to people who are experiencing homelessness.
Does 7hills serve people experiencing homelessness outside of Fayetteville?
Yes! While all of our physical locations are in Fayetteville, we provide services to people across the Northwest Arkansas region. Homeless and near-homeless individuals come to our facilities from different cities to seek our support and services.
What services does the 7hills on Huntsville Road offer?
This is our Walker Family Residential Community. Built in 2008, this private neighborhood provides supportive housing to individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Individuals in our HOPE program live in this community and have the opportunity to live affordably while working with a HOPE case manager on their unique needs with the goal of graduating to permanent housing out in the community. Our HOPE program also offers rapid rehousing.
How can I get into the HOPE program for housing?
Our HOPE program follows policies and procedures set by our regional Continuum of Care. Both our programs, as well as other agencies in NWA, add people experiencing homelessness to a community-wide list. The assessment we all use to add individuals to the list is the VI-SPDAT, a triage tool designed for all providers within a community to quickly assess the health and social needs of individuals and match them with the most appropriate support and housing interventions that are available in our community.
Our HOPE program selects participants from the list, utilizing the VI-SPDAT and collaborative meetings with regional providers to match individuals to one of the three types of housing we offer within our program. If you are in need of housing, the best thing to do is visit our Day Center to complete a VI-SPDAT with one of our Case Managers so that our HOPE program and other programs can collaborate to match you with the right opportunity.
Is it true that 7hills attracts people experiencing homelessness to our community?
Northwest Arkansas has been attracting thousands of people for many years due to the abundance of employment opportunities, affordable living, and quality of life. As in any other community, some of these people have encountered unexpected and difficult economic and other challenges. More than 95% of the clients 7hills served this past year were from Northwest Arkansas.
What about the people who stand on street corners with signs asking for money? Can I help them? Should I?
Maybe they are homeless, maybe they are not, but if a person is standing on a corner asking for money, they probably need it. The best way to help people in need is to support organizations like 7hills, but you should feel free to help people on street corners if you feel compelled to do so. If you want to give but are reluctant to give money, we always smile and wave, whether we know the person or not. It feels good to be seen and acknowledged. Some people offer food and water bottles. Others do decide to give money. It’s up to you to choose how you wish to interact.
How can I support and get involved with 7hills?
We would love to meet you! We have lots of volunteer opportunities both throughout the week and for special projects. You can also work with us to coordinate drives for food, clothing, coat, etc. Another way to help is by giving a gift to support our mission. Simply click the donate button and follow the prompts. You can also mail a check to us at 828 S. Seven Hills Ct., Fayetteville, AR, 72701 ATTN: Donations. Thank you for your interest!
Does 7hills provide physical or mental health services to its clients?
For any services that our team cannot provide directly, we have a wide range of contacts and resources that we try to bring to our Day Center for people to access on-site. We also provide details on how individuals can access those services locally. These services include but are not limited to needs like substance use treatment, legal services, and mental and physical health services.
For health services, we partner with both the University of Arkansas and John Brown University nursing students to provide basic care. We also have partnerships with local doctors and nurse practitioners who can meet individually with clients on-site, removing an ever-present barrier of transportation for people experiencing homelessness.
How does 7hills make people experiencing homelessness aware of its services?
We do our best to update the community at large about what we provide and how we help. The primary way people find out about us is through word of mouth, including the general population via our social media or with staff, board members, supporters, and volunteers sharing about us with peers.
We also ensure that our partner agencies, many of whom also regularly work with people experiencing homelessness, know about us, our hours, and how we help so that they can refer people to us. If you ever want any, we have service cards that list our address, hours, and services so you can hand them out to anyone you think may need to utilize us.
Does 7hills provide any transportation services?
Transportation is a considerable barrier to accessing services, housing, and employment for people experiencing homelessness. Unfortunately, 7hills does not have the capacity to provide any transportation services. However, we provide information on Ozark Regional Transit and Razorback Transit bus routes, so individuals can use public transportation to reach us or other places they need to go.
For individuals who have vehicles, we provide gas cards as necessary to assist with fuel costs, so they can access our services, drive to work, etc. Our HOPE Case Managers are available to transport HOPE participants to doctor’s appointments or housing appointments.